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Vintage | Matcha Chawan - Hagi
CHF 180.00

beautiful Hagi Chawan - Showa era (1927-1989)

Hagi-yaki (萩焼), also called Hagi ware, is a regional Japanese ceramic style originating from the area around the town of Hagi in Yamaguchi Prefecture.
The pottery, like the Karatsu, Agano, Satsuma, Takatori, and Arita styles, has its origins in Korean pottery, as craftsmen were taken to Japan after the invasion of Korea in 1596 by Toyotomi Hideyoshi`s army during the Imjin War.

The foot ring or kôdai (高台) is so important because it gives information about the clay used. The clay is a kind of signature, connoisseurs can in some cases already identify the handwriting of the potter by the texture of the clay. The design of the kôdai is by no means trivial, often the skill of the potter can be seen in its design.

In Hagi, the tradition of cutting the kôdai has crept in.

Kiri-kôdai (切り高台).
Why was the foot ring slit in the first place? There is no clear answer to this question even in Japanese sources. A common explanation is that Hagi ceramics from princely kilns were not accessible to the common people. By "damaging" them, the common people were allowed to use the rejects.

Even if this explanation sounds plausible, there is evidence that contradicts this widespread opinion. For even before the emergence of Hagi ceramics, the foot rings were slit. And even the commissioned works for members of the nobility show this feature and one cannot assume that they were content with rejects.

Product Specifications
Size: Ø120 × H83mm
Material: Ceramic
Weight: 338g

Made in Japan